The EG Widening Participation Scholarships aims to incentivise attendance from researchers worldwide; in particular, those who belong to underrepresented groups at EG events.
Who are we seeking to support?
The EG Widening Participation Scholarships are aimed primordially at researchers with financial need who can demonstrate the benefits to the applicant that attendance at the events will have on their careers, including those who have papers or other types of submissions accepted (e.g. posters, short papers).
Besides showing the benefit gained by the scholarship and increasing the event diversity, the person:
- must be affiliated (e.g. student or working) with an institution with a remit to conduct research in computer graphics, visualization, and related fields.
- can be early, mid-career or established researchers.
- has not been previously awarded the scholarship.
First-time attendance at the EG event will be prioritised.
What will the scholarships cover?
These scholarships will cover the cost associated with registration and a stipend for attending the event. The stipend for travelling and accommodation will be supported based on the distance, for up to:
€250 for attendees travelling up to 3000 km (e.g. within Europe).
€1,000 for attendees travelling more than 3000 km.
The stipend will be paid after attendance at the event. The registration costs will be paid directly by EG to the event organisers.
What is the process?
Submit the application form by the next available deadline to apply for a scholarship. The event’s diversity scholarship committee will then make the selection. Candidates will be contacted directly with a response shortly after the deadline. For transparency, award recipients will be announced periodically on the EG website.
What information do we expect from applicants?
Applicants will be requested to submit a statement with the following information:
- Workshop to attend (list all workshops that participate).
- Which underrepresented groups you identify with?
- Affiliation and career stage.
- How many times have you attended the selected workshop?
- What impact will attendance to the workshop have on your career? (word limit: 300 words or less)
- If you have a submitted or accepted paper, please describe how the accepted paper builds upon your existing research and the literature as well as networks from the relevant event. (word limit: 300 words or less)
- Please provide a link to your CV (page limit: 1 page)
- Letter of support from PhD advisor or other reference (optional, page limit: 1 page)
Submit your application directly using this form.
What are the review timelines?
There are various deadlines: the 12 of May, 12 June, 12 July, 12 September, 12 November, 12 January, 12 February, 12 April, 11:59 PM GMT.
Apply by the next available deadline before the start of the EG event that you plan to attend. This should be at least one month before the event takes place.
Please email with any questions about the process or the application form.