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Eurographics Cooperation With Other Bodies


These notes explain the nature of Cooperation Agreements and what Eurographics expects from them. They are guidelines and variations may sometimes be negotiated.


The Eurographics Association regularly offers formal collaborations with events run by other organizations. Such cooperation is usually done on a case-by-case basis but it is quite common for it to be renewed annually where this has worked well in the past. The process is intended to be relatively lightweight so we do not work with a formal contract. Even so, we take cooperation seriously and expect the participating body to do likewise.


It is helpful if requests come in well in advance of the event, more especially well in advance of the first major publicity shot for the event. Enquiries should be directed to the Professional Board chair in the first instance, emailing to:

To request EG Cooperation, please send to the Professional Board chair the following information:

  • Official name of event (as you want it to appear on EG pages);
  • Date(s) of the event;
  • Location;
  • URL;
  • Name and email of contact person;
  • Deadlines; (eg paper submission)
  • Name/delivery address for our leaflets for your delegate pack (see below);
  • Estimated number of delegates;
  • The earliest and latest dates for delivering these leaflets.

If we have had an agreement with you in the past, then it usually suffices to know the dates and location of the event, any other likely sponsors, and who is the main contact for its organization. If you have not had an agreement with us in the past, then we will normally additionally need to have a description of the scope and nature of the event and, where appropriate, a tentative programme. As we do not offer a formal application procedure, you should not feel that you have to make a detailed case, correct in every detail at the outset. Rather, make contact and we will negotiate as necessary. We normally do not enter into co-operation agreements with organisations or bodies whose status is significantly different from our own, which is that of a non-profit association.


We do not require cooperations to be exclusive to Eurographics but we do ask the following:

  1. When seeking a cooperation with us, please advise us of other likely cooperation partners, so that we can make an informed judgement.
  2. In the publicity and other event-related material, Eurographics should be given no less prominence than other cooperating parties; and all such material must cite Eurographics.


Where appropriate, we wish our EG logo to be used as well as the name of the organization. Formally, we are the “Eurographics Association” but “Eurographics” is widely understood and acceptable.


Single copies of all publicity material should be sent to the Promotional Board chair in a timely manner. This is so we can verify the use of our name, logo etc. The URL of any web-site used to publicise the event should also be sent to the Promotional Board chair. The email of the Promotional Board chair is:


We will send an email announcement, supplied by you, of your event to our general email list, should you wish us to do. The announcement must be used only to advertise your event and should not be excessive in length. Indeed it is generally more effective just to give brief details and then a URL or other means of finding more information about your event.


We expect an equivalent opportunity to reach your event delegates. To achieve this, we can usually supply leaflets for your delegate packs. Please let us know estimated delegate numbers and full delivery address.

As an alternative, we can supply material for email distribution, to be sent to the same lists that you use for your information, and at or about the same time. We prefer the two announcements to be separate to avoid confusion. Our announcement will be used to advertise Eurographics or forthcoming EG-related events likely to be of interest to your delegates.

Our leaflets or email announcement should be obtained from the Chair of our Promotions Board,