The Eurographics Association acknowledges the contribution of former Members, Honorary Members and Fellows to computer graphics and to the Association. This page contains links to obituaries for all the members we have received.
We are happy to receive obituaries of former members for inclusion on this page, preferably in the form of pdf or html documents that we can host on the Eurographics web server. A photograph would also be appreciated, if available, together with year of birth and year of death where appropriate. Please send to
David Duce and Werner Purgathofer (Curators)
Nigel John 1963-2023
Bodo Urban 1953-2022
Richard Guedj 1934-2022
Joachim Rix 1954-2022
Wilhelm Barth 1931-2021
Umberto Cugini 1941-2021
Tosiyasu L. Kunii 1938-2020
Jaroslav Křivánek 1976-2019
Christof Riepl 1940-2018
Stanislav V. Klimenko 1941-2018
David Arnold 1951-2016
Robert Tobler 1968-2016
Steve Cunningham 1942-2015
Wolfgang Strasser 1941-2015
Carl Machover 1927 – 2012
Dirk Bartz 1967-2010
Richard Grimsdale 1929-2005
Jürgen Schönhut † 2005
Carla Vandoni † 2000
Günter Enderle 1945-1987