In this section you will find all information you need for
- publishing in the CGF:
- reviewing papers in the CGF
- publishing in other EG publications:
- reviewing papers in EG publications
This document is to assist authors of papers for Computer Graphics Forum.
- Preparing and submitting a paper
- CGF and Eurographics Conference/Workshop proceedings do not impose strict maximum lengths for submitted papers, though papers should only be as long as their content would justify. It is recommended that technical full papers be up to 10 pages (in CGF latex style including all images but excluding references), and survey papers be up to 20 pages (excluding references). Reviewers might rate a submission lower if it is perceived as being unnecessarily long. Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to provide extra content.
- The Forum style file (LaTeX2e, including an example document):
- egPublStyle-cgf (regular issues; ZIP archive) For submission, please make sure to use the submission template (EGauthorGuidelines-cgf-sub.tex), not the final version template.
- Please ask for an adapted set of LaTeX2e style/template files for the EG Conference issue and the other special issues of CGF.
Eurographics Ethics Policy for the Paper Review Process
As a reviewer for Eurographics you have the responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the ideas represented in the papers you review. Eurographics submissions are by their very nature unpublished documents. The work is considered new or proprietary by the authors. Of course, their intent is to ultimately publish to the world, but until the work appears in the Eurographics proceedings, it is considered confidential. In particular, sending a paper to Eurographics for review does not constitute a public disclosure.
Protection of the ideas in the papers you receive means:
- Do not show the paper to anyone else, including colleagues or students, unless you have asked them to write a review, or to help with your review. If you do, they need to be aware of this ethics policy.
- Do not show videos or any other submitted materials to non-reviewers.
- Do not use ideas from papers you review to develop new ones. After the review process, destroy all copies of papers, videos, and other materials, and erase any implementations you have written to evaluate the ideas in the papers, as well as any results of those implementations.
As a reviewer of a Eurographics paper you have a certain power over the reviewing process. It is important for you to avoid any conflict of interest, or the outside perception of a conflict of interest. Even though you would, of course, act impartially on any paper, there should be absolutely no question about the impartiality of review. Thus, if you are assigned a paper where your review would create a possible conflict of interest, you should return the paper and not submit a review.
The blind reviewing process will help hide the authorship of many papers, and senior reviewers will try hard to avoid conflicts. But if you recognize the work or the author and feel it could present a conflict of interest, notify the senior reviewer as soon as possible so he or she can find someone else to review it.
Here are the explicit rules for conflict of interest. You must excuse yourself from all review/discussion of a given paper if:
- You work at the same institution.
- You have been directly involved in the work and will be receiving credit in some way. If you’re a member of the author’s thesis committee and the paper is about his/her thesis work, then you were involved.
- You suspect that others might see a conflict of interest in your involvement. For example, even though Microsoft Research in Washington and China are in some ways more distant than Berkeley and MIT, there is likely to be a perception that they are “both Microsoft,” hence folks from one should not review papers from the other.
- You have collaborated with one of the authors in the past two years. We define collaboration as having written a paper together, although you should use your judgment for other cases.
- You were the PhD advisor of one of the authors or you were the PhD advisee of an author Advisees represent a lifetime conflict of interest.
And if you don’t feel that you can make an unbiased determination for any reason not listed above, you should not review the paper in question.
Publishing papers at Eurographics is a serious matter. This does not mean that we cannot have any fun in the paper sessions. But it does mean that we have a responsibility to be serious in the reviewing process.
You should make an effort to do a good review. This is obvious. But a common complaint is that some reviews can be so sketchy that it looks like the reviewer did not even seem to take the time to read the paper carefully. A casual or flippant review of a paper that the author has seriously submitted is not appropriate and discredits the entire Eurographics review process.
There is no dishonor in being too busy to do a good review, or to realize that you have over-committed yourself and cannot review all the papers you agreed to review. But it is a big mistake to take on too much, and then not back out early enough to allow recovery. If you cannot do a decent job, say so. But please, do it early so that the senior reviewer has time to select another reviewer before the deadline.
Be professional ! Belittling or sarcastic comments may help display one’s wit, but they are unnecessary in the reviewing process. The most valuable comments in a review are those that help the authors understand the shortcomings of their work and how they might improve it. If you intensely dislike a paper, give it a low score. That makes a sufficient statement.
Adherence to ethics makes the whole reviewing process more complicated and sometimes less efficient. But convenience, efficiency, and expediency are not good reasons to contravene ethics. It is precisely at those times when it would be easier or more efficient to bend the rules that it is most important to do the right thing. Ultimately, spending that energy and time is an investment into the long-term health of the conference and the community of computer graphics researchers.
The files below contain useful information for authors and organizers of Eurographics Workshops, as well as some publishing and formatting guidelines.
A Right-to-Publish License Form (LF) for accepted papers: LF (for EG only events)
This has to be printed, signed by every author and faxed to the publisher when you submit the camera-ready copy of your EG Workshop paper. A scan of the document sent by email is also acceptable. If the event uses SRM, authors can upload the scan during submission of the final documents.
Please ask for an adapted set of LaTeX2e style/template files for the correct EG layout. If the event uses SRM, the correct package of LaTeX2e style/template files will be available there.
If you want to re-use article/paper or a part of it in your own work, please send requests to
Please provide the DOI from the original article and the bibliographic data of your work, if already known, title, publisher.
The procedure is as follows:
- Author wants to re-use his own work/ part of his own work in a commercial or non-commercial book/paper/article. EG is copyright holder. Normally the author will get permission without fees.
- Author wants to re-use his own work/ part of his own work in a commercial or non-commercial book/paper/article. Copyright holder are EG and Wiley. Author is asked to send the permission request to Wiley. EG publishing can help author to find the right link.
- Author wants to re-use parts of others’ work, EG is copyright holder. Author should send permission from original authors to Eurographics will fix an amount and provide a link where the author can pay the fee with credit card. (70 € per figure)
- Author wants to re-use parts of others’ work, Copyright holder are EG and Wiley. Author is asked to send the permission request to Wiley. EG publishing can help author to find the right link.
Eurographics Licensing, Open Access Policy, and Plan-S compliance
1) Papers published by Eurographics (Eurographics Workshop/Symposia Proceedings, Eurographics Partner Events, Eurographics Local Chapter Events)
From 2022, all new releases published by Eurographics will be licensed under Creative Commons. Publishing with Eurographics is Plan-S compliant.
2) Articles and Papers published by Eurographics Association and Wiley (Computer Graphics Forum)
Green Open Access: Self-archiving allows versions with Eurographics Branding to be hosted on a personal or institutional website. Authors can request the branded version from (This version is used in the EG Digital Library.)
Gold Open Access: Please visit: for further information.
Plan-S ( compliance:
CGF is a hybrid journal (subscription-based and open access option) and as such is not Plan-S compliant per se. In many cases, publishing with CGF is Plan S-compliant due to so-called transformation agreements between Wiley and national funding agencies and/or universities. Authors are encouraged to consider the below information provided by Wiley and determine requirements that may apply, depending on their situation.
Wiley’s Transformational Agreements: A Summary:
Resources for authors funded by cOAlition S:
Authors have to check for the individual article, if their funders’ requirements are fulfilled. This is possible with: and specially for Wiley publications:
(Three parameters are necessary: Journal, Funder, Institution)
Wiley has a number of agreements in place with institutions and funders to help authors publish open access and ensure compliance with open access policies.