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Eurographics Awards Programme

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary in 2004, Eurographics decided to establish the Eurographics Awards Programme. The goal of the programme is to recognize, highlight, and promote computer graphics research in Europe. It was extended in 2011 and 2018 and now counts six different awards.

Technical Awards

These awards are presented at the annual Eurographics conference and recognize individuals who have significantly advanced the field of computer graphics:

Upon creation of its Awards Programme, Eurographics selected Hans-Peter Seidel (Germany) as its founding chair. The founding members of the awards committee became Pere Brunet (Spain), Markus Gross (Switzerland), Roberto Scopigno (Italy), Hans-Peter Seidel (Germany), and Francois Sillion (France). All founding members have meanwhile left the committee. Committee membership in the awards committee is on a rotating basis with an average term of five years. The three past Committee Chairs have been Hans-Peter Seidel, George Drettakis, Pere Brunet and Roberto Scopigno. The current committee comprises

  • Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics (Chair)
  • Mirella Ben-Chen, Technion
  • Elmar Eisemann, TU Delft
  • Diego Gutierrez, University of Zaragoza
  • Olga Sorkine-Hornung, ETH Zurich
  • Anders Ynnermann, Linköping University

Nominations: EG Members and any member of the graphics research community may nominate individuals for the three award categories by using the following online form.
Candidates for the Young Researcher Award in year N must have finished their PhD in the year N–6 or later.
For questions regarding the awards program, please contact the Awards Chair Christian Theobalt using the following Email address:
Nominations for the 2025 technical awards shall be sent in by October 27th 2024.

Each year, these awards are presented at the opening ceremony of the annual Eurographics conference, and winners receive a special award trophy, specifically designed for this occasion by Carlo Sequin. Details on the design and manufacture of the Eurographics award trophy can be found in a presentation created by Carlo Séquin.

PhD Awards

To complement these Research Awards, Eurographics created the PhD-Award in 2011. Three awards are granted every year for Computer Graphics PhD theses finalized or defended in Europe or a Eurographics country. The aim is to recognize good thesis work, to incentivize young researchers, and to offer them the opportunity to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal. The past chairs of the PhD Thesis Awards committee were Pere Brunet, Paolo Cignoni, and Pierre Alliez; the current chair is Marco Attene.

Nominations: Individuals may be nominated for the award by contacting the PhD Thesis Awards chair at  The required documentation includes the thesis, the available thesis reports, and a short CV of the candidate.

Gold Medal Award

Eurographics established in 2016 the Gold Medal Award, granted to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the goals of Eurographics (both scientific and organizational). The responsible person for this award is Hans-Peter Seidel.

EuroVis Early Career Award

To give emphasis to an expanding theme, an award dedicated to research on Visualization was created in 2018. The EuroVis Early Career Award is given each year to up to two early career researchers in the field who made a significant contribution to visualization in general and more specifically to the European visualization community.

Nominations: Members of the visualization research community may nominate individuals for the EuroVis Young Researcher Award. For details visit the EuroVis Early Career Award page.

Best Paper Awards

Finally, Eurographics issues also Best Paper Awards at the annual conference.