Eurographics is run entirely by volunteer effort. Some jobs like Secretary, Treasurer, are high profile, require a lot of time, effort, and international travel. Most of the work is not like that. It can be done from the comfort of your office or home! Only a few hours per week/ per month or per year is valuable to the Association.
We need more help to make sure the Association continues its successful work. We need YOU!
Formally the Association is run by an Executive Committee (EXC) of 21 people elected by the General Assembly (of all members entitled to vote), and others appointed to specific roles. Each person elected by the General Assembly serves a three year term, and therefore 7 people retire and 7 people are elected each year. The Committee meets twice a year and its role is to establish policy. The Executive Committee gives an annual report of its activities to the General Assembly.
The Executive Committee appoints, from its membership, an Executive Board (EXB) consisting of a chairperson, two vice-chairs, secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and chairperson of the operations, publications, professional, promotions & online, and workshops boards. The EXB is responsible for the day to day running of the Association. It meets twice a year, inbetween each EXC meeting.
Each of the Operations, Publications, Professional, Workshops, and Promotions & Online boards has a number of members, who are NOT generally elected. They meet about once a year, usually at the annual conference.
There are a number of areas which are generally by invitation only, such as: member of the Computer Graphics Forum Editorial Board, members of the programme committee of a workshop, member of the annual conference programme committee. Other areas that need volunteers, are in organizing events, such as workshops or seminars, and the annual conference. If you want to do technical work then volunteer to drive a working group. On the other hand if you feel you are not ready for international activities, why not volunteer to help your local chapter.
First look at each area where you might contribute :
- Executive Committee (policy making)
- Boards (converting policy into practice)
- Working Groups (technical work)
- Workshops (organizing)
- Annual Conference (organizing)
- Chapters (all areas)
Then contact the Chairman or any member of the Executive Committee and she/he will forward your offer to the appropriate person.