In April 2024 the Fellows of the Association made a proposal to the Executive Committee that three new Fellows be elected. The proposal was accepted and the names of the new Fellows were announced at the General Assembly. The new Fellows are Silvia Biasotti, Julie Dorsey, and Beatriz Sousa Santos. The contributions which they have made to computer graphics and to EUROGRAPHICS are outlined below together with the reasons for their election. Congratulations to all three of them!
Silvia Biasotti is a research director of the National Research Council (CNR). She works at the Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI), where she leads research projects and carries out an intense training activity for young researchers and Ph.D. or master students.
In her scientific career, Silvia contributed significantly to the field of computational topology; she extended the definition of the Reeb graph to 2D and 3D models and contributed to the extension of the definition and computation of size functions to 3D shapes and to multivariate functions She obtained significant results in shape analysis, matching, and classification of 3D datasets and, in 3D pattern analysis and recognition. In parallel, she contributed to the analysis and definition of novel indicators of the quality of a 2D and 3D tessellation that are aware of both physical properties and model constraints in a simulation problem such as diffusion or compression.
Her research outcome has been successfully applied to several fields, such as cultural heritage, bio-informatics, CAD, discrete fracture networks, spatial data analysis, and remote sensing. She is currently involved in projects in which her expertise in shape analysis is coupled with AI/DL approaches to address urban intelligence modelling, characterization of bio-molecules and identification of ligand/docking sites, and time-varying characterization of defects in built infrastructures for their monitoring. Silvia has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, published in major journals at the intersection of computer graphics, pattern recognition, and applied mathematics. In addition, she is the author of 3 STARs presented at Eurographics (2007, 2014, and 2023) and a SIGGRAPH course on shape analysis and description in 2012. She co-authored the book Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis and Description, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
Silvia contributed significantly to reinforcing the role of Eurographics at the national level: EG member since 2006, she acted as an IPC member for Eurographics conferences and workshops (EG, EuroVIS, SGP, GCH, GMP, 3DOR, STAG, AIGraphics), and she contributed to the EG conferences with several contributions (technical papers, STAR, tutorials). Since 2022, she has been an Editorial Board member of the Computer Graphics Forum.
At the national level, she is an active member of the EG Italian Chapter (Elected Board Member from 2006 and Secretary from 2015 to 2022). She was chair of the EG-IT annual event STAG (program chair in 2015 and 2020, event chair in 2016): In 2023, she was conference chair of the Symposium on Geometry Processing.
She is working on the promotion and organization of the Eurographics workshop (since 2022 Symposium) on 3D Object retrieval – 3DOR of which she has been a member of the steering committee since 2020, program chair in 2013, 2019, and 2024, event chair in 2021 and 2023).
Silvia Biasotti has been elected Fellow of the Association, in recognition of her exceptional contributions to shape modelling, analysis, and classification, as well as her extensive service to the community and the Eurographics Association in particular.
Julie Dorsey is the Frederick W Beinecke Professor of Computer Science at Yale. Julie Dorsey’s career in computer graphics is marked by remarkable achievements and a deep commitment to the field, especially evident in her involvement with Eurographics.
Her journey, beginning with her education at Cornell and evolving through her influential tenure at MIT, has always been about bridging computer science with practical applications, particularly in architecture and urban planning.
Prof. Dorsey’s contributions to Eurographics are especially noteworthy. Her insightful keynote in 2016 and her active participation in numerous Eurographics committees and workshops highlight her dedication to advancing the community’s knowledge and practice. These roles have allowed her to share her expertise and help shape the future of computer graphics.
Her leadership is further evidenced by her editorial roles, including as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics. This and her accolades, like the MIT Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award and the National Science Foundation Career Award underscore her profound impact on the field.
Julie Dorsey has been elected Fellow of the Association in recognition of her academic excellence, leadership in the field, and unwavering commitment to the Eurographics community.
Beatriz Sousa Santos is an Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, teaching Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Virtual Reality.
Her involvement and leadership within Eurographics have been exemplary, particularly highlighted by her roles as program co-chair of EuroVis 2006, and her longstanding service as EG Education Board Chair. Her leadership in organizing key Eurographics events like EuroVis reflects her dedication to fostering a collaborative and forward-thinking environment.
Prof. Sousa Santos’ years of service to the Eurographics Association Committee, and her role in steering the Education Board demonstrates her commitment to nurturing and guiding the next generation of experts in the field. Her contributions extend beyond organizational roles, influencing educational practices and research directions within computer graphics. Her work has been instrumental in bridging academic research with practical applications, making significant strides in enhancing the understanding and utilization of computer graphics.
Beatriz Sousa Santos has been elected Fellow of the Eurographics Association in recognition of her contributions to visualization and her role as a pivotal figure in the Eurographics community.
EUROGRAPHICS FELLOWS TIMELINE ( ** denotes Honorary Fellows)
(click on headings to see nomination texts)
Silvia Biasotti Julie Dorsey
Beatriz Sousa Santos
Jarke van Wijk Yiorgos Chysanthou
Alla Sheffer
Bedřich Beneš Christian Theobalt
Helwig Hauser Niloy Mitra
Hamish Carr Leila de Floriani Henry Fuchs
Elmar Eisemann Anna Vilanova
Marc Alexa Michael Wimmer
Ming Lin Oliver Staadt Jiri Zara
Paolo Cignoni Hans-Christian Hege Renato Pajarola
Jean-Michel Dischler Enrico Gobbetti Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Fredo Durand Eugene Fiume Heidrun Schumann Michela Spagnuolo
→ Wolfgang Heidrich Reinhard Klein Philipp Slusallek
→ Oliver Deussen Brian Wyvill Anders Ynnerman
→ Bianca Falcidieno Holly Rushmeier Min Chen
→ Daniel Cohen-Or Joaquim Jorge Václav Skala
→ Edi Gröller Nigel John †
→ Thomas Ertl Leif Kobbelt Isabel Navazo László Szirmay-Kalos
→ George Drettakis Carol O’Sullivan
→ David Duke Markus Gross Roberto Scopigno
→ Francois Sillion Marie-Paule Cani
→ Andy Day Xavier Pueyo
→ Hans-Peter Seidel
→ Heinrich Müller
→ Dieter Fellner Jarek Rossignac
Kenneth W. Brodlie Sabine Coquillart **Frits H. Post
Steve Cunningham † Judith Brown
Carl Machover † **Werner Purgathofer Richard Guedj †
William Terence Hewitt
Werner Hansmann Klaus Kansy Anne Mumford
Ivan Hermann Lars Kjelldahl **Philip Willis
Peter R. Bono **Pere Brunet
Jürgen Schönhut † Behr de Ruiter
Richard L. Grimsdale †
**Wolfgang Strasser †
**Roger Hubbold David D. Arnold †
**José Luis Encarnação **F. R. A. Hopgood Paul ten Hagen
**Carlo E. Vandoni **David A. Duce