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Computer Graphics Forum

(Information for authors and reviewers of CGF can be found here!)

cover_36 Computer Graphics Forum (Print ISSN: 0167-7055; Online ISSN: 1467-8659) is the official journal of Eurographics, published in cooperation with Wiley, and is a unique, international source of information for computer graphics professionals interested in graphics developments worldwide. It is now one of the leading journals for researchers, developers and users of computer graphics in both commercial and academic environments. The journal reports on the latest developments in the field throughout the world and covers all aspects of the theory, practice and application of computer graphics.

Computer Graphics Forum started in 1982 and always had two chief co-editors (current in bold):

Paul ten Hagen (1982 – 1983)
David Duce (1982 – 1984)
Günter Enderle (1984 – 1986)
David Arnold (1985 – 1990)
Beer de Ruiter (1987 – 1992)
Phil Willis (1991 – 1996)
Hans-Peter Seidel (1993 – 1999)
Sabine Coquillart (1997 – 2001)
David Duke (2000 – 2007)
Roberto Scopigno (2002 – 2010)
Eduard Gröller (2008 – 2011)
Holly Rushmeier (2010 – 2013)
Oliver Deussen (2012 – 2015)
Richard Zhang (2014 – 2017)
Min Chen (2016 – 2019)
Bedrich Benes (2018-2021)
Helwig Hauser (2020-2023)
Pierre Alliez (since 2022)
Michael Wimmer (since 2024)

Its regular features include:

  • Accounts of practical developments and applications
  • Original research work and review articles
  • A calendar of computer graphics events worldwide
  • Book reviews and reports of recent theses
  • News and reports about the Eurographics Association

CGF is published eight times a year (three regular issues and five special conference issues which are the proceedings of the annual Eurographics Conference, the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, the Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Rendering, the Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Geometry Processing, the Pacific Graphics conference) by Wiley.
Further information on the journal, including recent and forthcoming highlights and the table of content of some recent issues, is available online.


To submit to CGF please access the electronic editorial office at:
Prospective authors should also consult a separate page on information for authors.


Finally, if you are a member of the Association with electronic subscription, you should have received user and password information to read all volumes of CGF on-line on the Eurographics Digital Library pages.

Frequently Asked Questions about CGF (initated by Min Chen)