Eduard Gröller is a professor at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms (ICGA), Vienna University of Technology. In 1993 he received his PhD from the same university. His research interests include computer graphics, visualization and visual computing.
Eduard Gröller is heading the visualization group at ICGA since 1995. The group performs basic and applied research projects in all areas of visualization. Eduard Gröller has given lecture series on scientific visualization at various other universities (Tübingen, Graz, Praha, Bahia Blanca, Magdeburg, Bergen). He is a scientific proponent and Key Researcher of the VRVis Research Center. The center performs applied research on visual computing topics like visualization, rendering, and visual analysis. Since 2005 Eduard Gröller is also an adjunct professor of computer science at the University of Bergen, Norway.
He has co-authored more than 230 scientific publications and acted as a reviewer for numerous conferences and journals in the field. He also has served on many program and paper committees. His early work on flow visualization introduced the concept of oriented line integral convolution to encode direction and orientation. He also worked on curvature-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering and discussed grid-based volume representations by investigating a specific, body-centered regular lattice. The illustrative exploration of volume data has been another of his research topics. He has proposed algorithms to interactively inspect the interior of volumetric datasets in a feature-driven, context-preserving way, also proposing the concept of style transfer functions to integrate multiple non-photorealistic, expressive renders into a single framework. He used these techniques for the efficient and comprehensive visualization of object contours. He co- authored research work on automatically computing importance-driven viewpoints by using a mutual information measure and a simple focus selection from a set of predefined features. His work on exploded views and on importance-driven feature enhancement has also been seminal in the field. His context-based approach works by automatically detecting and removing less important parts of the volume dataset in order to reveal more important underlying information. Along with his research work, Eduard Gröller has supervised many students who have since established themselves as leading faculty and well-known researchers.
Eduard Gröller is the head of the working group on computer graphics of the Austrian Computer Society and member of IEEE Computer Society, ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik) and OCG (the Austrian Computer Society). Eduard Gröller has also served Eurographics in numerous ways including Paper Co-Chair of the conference in 2006, Co- Chair of the conference in 2011, Editor-in-Chief of the Computer Graphics Forum Journal and member of the Executive Committee. He has had a strong leadership in the visualization community as Symposium Co-chair of Eurographics/IEEE VisSym 1999, as EuroVis 2012 conference chair, as member since 2002 and head since 2011 of the steering committee of the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization, as Paper Co-Chair of the IEEE Visualization Conference 2005 and 2006, organizer of Dagstuhl Seminars on Scientific Visualization, and as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics between 2003 and 2007.
Eduard Gröller has made significant contributions to the field of Scientific and Data Visualization that have impacted the work of many other researchers in the field, and he has build up one of the strongest visualization groups in Europe.
Eurographics is extremely pleased to recognize Eduard Gröller with the 2015 Outstanding Technical Contributions Award.