Ana Serrano receives the EUROGRAPHICS Young Researcher Award 2023 for her outstanding and multi-faceted contributions to virtual reality, computational imaging and material appearance perception.
Ana is a tenure track Assistant Professor at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Zaragoza in 2019 and spent time as a postdoc at the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics.
Ana has greatly impacted the research in virtual reality, especially on perceptually-related issues and users’ interaction with VR. She has a widely cited paper on this topic that investigates saliency in VR. Ana has also introduced a generative model for realistic scan paths of 360 images, that model how users explore a VR environment. This paper has received the best journal paper award at IEEE VR 2022. Another impactful topic that Ana has worked on is movie editing in VR and its effects on the perception of continuity.
Ana additionally has influential papers on perception-based material modeling, including gloss management, and the effects of shape and illumination on the perception of material appearance. Ana has received several prestigious awards for her work, including an Nvidia graduate fellowship, the Ph.D. award by the University of Zaragoza, the Eurographics Ph.D. award, and some best paper awards. Her work was published in a high number of top tier conferences and journal papers in computer graphics, computer vision and virtual reality. She has served as a technical paper committee member in the main computer graphics venues.
EUROGRAPHICS is pleased to recognize Ana Serrano with the 2023 Young Researcher Award.