Jürgen Bernard studied Computer Sciences with focus on Computer Graphics and Bio Technology at the TU Darmstadt. He received his Ph.D. Degree in 2015, when he was with Fraunhofer IGD. His thesis was about “Exploratory Search in Time-Oriented Primary Data”. In 2016, Jürgen Bernard started as a Post-Doc researcher at the TU Darmstadt in the Interactive Graphics Systems Group, leading the Visual-Interactive Machine Learning Group. In 2019, Jürgen Bernard became a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of British Columbia, Canada, where he worked on information visualization topics. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Zurich, where he is heading the Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group.
In his research, Jürgen Bernhard is covering a wide variety of topics in visualization and visual analytics. His primary research includes the characterization, design, and evaluation of visual-interactive interfaces to combine the strengths of both humans and algorithms in interactive machine learning and data science applications. He is testing his innovative technologies on a broad range of application domains, such as climate and earth observations, digital libraries, human motion analyses, service and energy network analyses, political decision-making, music classifications, sports data analyses, stock chart analyses, as well as medical and patient-related research.
Jürgen Bernard has a strong and rapidly growing research and publication record, where he is publishing at the best conferences and journals in our field. He has already published a number of ground-breaking and impactful papers on topics such as interactive machine learning, the role of labeling in visualization and machine learning, and visual analytics of time-oriented data. His papers are by now widely cited and his career shows a very clear positive gradient. He has already received an impressive number of awards and honors. Also, his research topics at the intersection of machine learning and data visualization are very timely and his work has helped to pave the way toward the successful integration of these two important research areas.
Jürgen Bernard has been taking an active role in providing expertise and services for the visualization community at large, for EuroVis, and EuroVA in particular where he is one of the significant driving forces. He has been able to initiate and maintain a strong network of international research collaborations with top experts in the field. For his outstanding contributions to solving data- and visualization-related problems, EuroVis is pleased to recognize Jürgen Bernard with the EuroVis Young Researcher Award 2021.