Eduard Gröller is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms (ICGA) of the Vienna University of Technology. He received a Diplom in Informatik in 1987, a PhD (thesis on Coherence in Computer Graphics) in 1993, and a habilitation degree (thesis on Visualization of Non-linear Dynamical Systems) in 1996 from the same university.
His research interests include computer graphics, flow visualization, volume visualization, medical visualization, and information visualization. He has headed the visualization group at ICGA since 1995. The group performs basic and applied research projects in the area of scientific visualization. Eduard Gröller has given lecture series on scientific visualization at various other universities (Tübingen, Graz, Praha, Bahia Blanca, Magdeburg, Bergen). He is a scientific proponent and member of the Scientific Review Committee of the VRVis Kplus Center of Excellence. The center performs applied research in virtual reality and visualization. Since 2005 Eduard Gröller is also an adjunct professor of computer science at the University of Bergen, Norway. He has co-authored more than 160 scientific publications and acted as a reviewer for numerous conferences and journals in the field. He has also served on various program and paper committees.
Eduard Gröller has also served Eurographics in numerous ways including Program Chair of the conference, Editor-in-Chief of CGF, member of the Executive Committee and of the steering committee of the Working Group on Data Visualization.
Eduard Gröller was elected to a Fellowship of the Association in recognition of:
1. his broad and high-quality research in visualization and for building up one of the strongest visualization groups in Europe;
2. his leadership in the visualization community as Symposium Co-chair of Eurographics/IEEE VisSym 1999, as member of the steering committee of the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization since 2002, as Papers Co-chair of the IEEE Visualization Conference 2005 and 2006, as organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Scientific Visualization 2005 and 2009, and as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (2003-2007);
3. his contributions to the Eurographics conferences as coauthor of seven papers, as Program Co-chair in 2006, as Monitoring Officer for EG 2010 and as Conference Co-chair for EG 2011;
4. his contribution to Eurographics as a member of the Executive Committee and as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Computer Graphics Forum.
Nigel W. John holds a chair in computing at Bangor University, and is Director of Research for the School of Computer Science. He leads research activities in high performance visualization and medical graphics. He was formerly the head of the Manchester Visualization Centre, at the University of Manchester. He has been responsible for a variety of projects funded by the Research Councils and European Commission involving visualization, and virtual environments.
Professor John also has extensive industrial experience. Whilst at Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, he was part of the medical imaging team that developed an innovative system for the reconstruction and volume analysis of three-dimensional freehand ultrasound data. At Silicon Graphics, he was the medical visualisation expert for the UK and subsequently a Business Development Manager for Silicon Graphics Biomedical. In 2006, Professor John received the Twelfth Annual Satava Award for accomplishments to the field of computer graphics and medical visualization and for ongoing contributions to the Medicine meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) Conference. Each year the award is presented to an individual or group who demonstrate unique vision and commitment to the improvement of medicine with the use of advanced technology.
Nigel John has served EG in a variety of roles, including co-chairman of EG 2001 in Manchester and EG 2008 in Crete. He is the immediate past chair of the professional board. He was instrumental in setting up the EG Medical Graphics Prize, and has also played leading roles in the EG UK Chapter.
Nigel John was elected to a Fellowship of the Association in recognition of:
1. his research contributions to the field of medical graphics;
2. his contributions to Eurographics conferences, including his roles as co-chair of the EG 2001 and EG 2008 events and national UK chapter events;
3. his promotion of VRML/X3D in the medical graphics community and his engagement in the medical graphics theme of the Web3D Symposium;
4. his contribution to the Eurographics Association through participation in the Executive Committee and chairmanship of the Professional Board.