After obtaining a doctorate in Computer Graphics in 1975 from Bradford University, Brian Wyvill worked as a research fellow helping to build a computer animation system at the
Royal College of Art in London with Colin Emmett. Colin and Brian used the system for a project for the BBC, and in the Twentieth Century Fox film, “Alien” (a very early example of computer animation in a Hollywood movie.) He then spent four years as an industrial consultant working with organisations such the British Home Office and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation in Vienna. Since the early 1980’s, together with his students and fellow researchers, including brother, Geoff Wyvill, he was inspirational in building the Graphics Jungle research group at the University of Calgary, computer science department, where he was a full professor. In the last ten years their work centred around the BlobTree implicit animation system. The system is a vehicle for experimenting with new modelling and animation methods. More recently his interests have extended to sketch-based modeling, texturing and NPR. Brian started the Canadian Eurographics chapter and the first conference was held in Banff, Alberta as part of CAe 2007. In 2007 Brian moved to
the University of Victoria where he holds a tier one Canada Research Chair in graphics.
As well as his contributions to Eurographics, Wyvill is an active member of ACM SIGGRAPH, currently chairing the ACM SIGGRAPH Small Conferences Committee which, inter alia, works with the Eurographics Workshops Board in managing joint events.
Brian Wyvill is nominated for election to a Fellowship of
the Association in recognition of:
- his research contributions to computer graphics;
- his leadership of computer graphics in Canada, including
instigation and promotion of the Eurographics Canadian
Chapter; - his contributions to Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH relations.
Deussen graduated at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 1996 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Magdeburg on Non-Photorealistic Rendering. In 2000 he was appointed as a professor for Computer Graphics and Media Design by Dresden University of Technology. Since 2003 he has been professor for Computer Graphics and Media Informatics at the University of Konstanz, Germany. He is interested in a number of areas in computer graphics and information visualization. Over many years he developed methods for the modeling and rendering of complex landscapes with applications in architecture, landscaping, ecology, arts, film and advertisement. Other contributions have included efficient algorithms for the creation, Level-of-Detail modeling and display of huge scenes with billions of surfaces. In 1996 he founded the company Greenworks Organic Software to develop programs for plant modeling, one famous product is the xfrog modeling software. He is also interested in Non-photorealistic rendering. These techniques aim at creating abstract synthetic visual representations for various situations and applications. In contrast to the traditional rendering paradigm of creating images that are indistinguishable from photographs, non-photorealism allows variation of details, shading style, even the geometry within a single image and therefore the creation of images that direct the attention of the viewer to a specific item, to help in understanding relations between objects, distinguishing between existing and proposed objects and much more besides. A third topic is Information visualization: This area
tries to encode various kinds of information visually in the form of computer images. The methods help to visually explore complex data and can be used in combination with data
mining techniques. In particular he is interested in software visualization to structurally evaluate very large software systems. He has published several books and over 100 refereed publications, he is member of ACM Siggraph, Eurographics and Gesellschaft für Informatik, he is co-chief editor of Computer Graphics Forum and associate editor of Informatik Spektrum (German Journal for Computer Science). Within Eurographics he was papers co-chair of Eurovis 2004, Eurographics Symposium of Rendering 2005, NPAR
2007, Computational Aesthetics 2009 and Eurographics 2011.
Oliver Deussen is nominated for Fellowship of the Association in recognition of:
• his research contributions to the advancement of computer
graphics especially in the fields of Visualization and NPR;
• his contributions to the scientific ecosystem within Eurographics through editorship and chairmanship of scientific committees
Ynnerman has held a chair in scientific visualization at Linköping University, Sweden, since 1999 and since 2010 has been Director of Visualization Center C, Norrköping, Sweden, and Head of the division for Media and Information Technology, University of Linköping. Visualization Center C is one of the main focal points for research and education in computer graphics and visualization in the Nordic region and was inaugurated in May 2010. The center hosts a public arena with large scale visualization facilities. He is also one of the co-founders of the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) and is serving as the chair of the scientific council for CMIV. His current research interests lie in the area of fundamental aspects of computer graphics and visualization, in particular large scale and complex data sets with a focus on volume rendering and multi-modal interaction.
Ynnerman has received several awards in Sweden for his professional activities that recognise both his scientific work and his scientific leadership. His expertise has been recognized internationally through membership of review committees. He is co-author of more than 80 scientific papers. He has brought high-profile Eurographics events to the
Nordic region, including:
• Eurographics2010 conference. Ynnerman was conference co-chair
• EuroVis07 Joint Eurographics – IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization. Ynnerman was Symposium Co-Chair
• Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Norrköping, 2004
He has made important contributions to the local Swedish Society SIGRAD, which is now the Swedish Eurographics Chapter, having served as chair in two different periods and
as organizer of the local SIGRAD conference in Norrköping. He is currently vice chair of Eurographics.
Anders Ynnerman is nominated for Fellowship of the Association in recognition of:
• his research contributions to the advancement of visualization;
• his excellence as a scientific leader;
• his contributions to Eurographics, notably through his work to raise the profile of the Association in the Nordic region and of the Nordic region in the Association.