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New Fellows 2015

During EUROGRAPHICS 2015 the Fellows of the Association made a proposal to the Executive Committee that new Fellows be elected. The proposal was accepted and the names of the new Fellow were announced at the General Assembly. The new Fellows are Jean-Michel Dischler, Enrico Gobbetti, Olga Sorkine-Hornung. The contributions which they have made to computer graphics and to EUROGRAPHICS are outlined below together with the reasons for their nomination. Congratulations to all three!

Jean-Michel Dischler

Jean-Michel Dischler holds the position of full Professor of Computer Science at Strasbourg University. After his PhD in Strasbourg in 1996, he moved to Limoges University where he became Assistant Professor. He moved back to Strasbourg on a Professor position in 2001, lead the department of Computer Science at the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science from 2002 to 2005, was vice-director of the LSIIT Lab until 2008 and responsible for the master degree in Image and Computing (IICI) until 2009. He is currently joint-director of the 3D Computer Graphics Group, IGG, in the ICUBE lab (20 people), where he is leading the rendering and visualization research activities.
His main research interest include 3D model and texture acquisition, synthesis and rendering, high performance multi-GPU graphics and shading, as well as direct volume rendering of voxel-data. He has made significant contributions in all of these areas with several impressive results in the last few years, with more than 6 CGF, TVGC (IEEE Vis) or TOG papers (Siggraph Asia) since 2010.
Jean-Michel is extremely active in his service to the community:
1. He served on a regular basis in a number of program committees since 2001: Rendering techniques, EG –including the role of ‘topic chair’ in 2003, GRAPP, EG Parallel Graphics and Visualization, EG Symposium on natural phenomena, and Eurovis.
2. He was vice president of the French chapter of Eurographics until 2005, and is in the EXC.
3. He has been chairing the EG professional board since 2009.
4. He served as associate editor of Computer Graphics Forum from 2011 to 2014.
5. Lastly, he was general chair of EG’2014, for which he dedicated an enormous amount of energy, resulting into a great experience for participants and a financial success (more than 400 people and the main conference and three co-located events).
Jean-Michel Dischler was elected as a Fellow of the Association in recognition of:
1. His contribution to the fields of computer graphics, rendering and visualization.
2. His contributions to the Association, notably as chair of the professional board for a number of years, and as general chair of EG’2014.

Enrico Gobbetti

Enrico Gobbetti is the Director of Visual Computing at the Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia (CRS4), Italy. He holds an Engineering degree (1989) and a Ph.D. degree (1993) in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), as well as Full Professor Habilitations in Computer Science and Information Processing from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
Prior to joining CRS4 (1996), he was research and teaching assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, and associate researcher at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and at the Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. At CRS4, Enrico developed and managed a research program in visual computing supported through public and private grants. The primary focus is the development of technology for acquisition, storage, processing, distribution, and interactive exploration of complex 3D environments, as well as on applications of virtual reality technology to visual simulation. His research spans many areas of visual computing including multi -resolution data representations, GPU programming, time-critical graphics, external memory algorithms, and is published widely in major journals and conferences, including many EUROGRAPHICS events.
Enrico regularly serves as program committee member and reviewer for international conferences and journals in visual computing. He is currently Associate Editor of The Visual Computer (since 2010), Frontiers in Virtual Environments (since 2014), and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (since 2015). He taught and organized advanced courses on object-oriented technology, graphics, cultural heritage computing, and virtual reality at universities and international research symposia.
He has served EUROGRAPHICS in numerous ways. He participated in the Editorial Board of Computer Graphics Forum (2008-2011), he was Executive Board Member of the Eurographics Italian Chapter (2009 -2013); Advisory Board Member of the EUROGRAPHICS 2010, General co-Chair of Eurographics 2012 and Chair of EuroVis 2015.
Enrico Gobbetti was elected as a Fellow of the Association in recognition of:
1. His research contributions in the area of the visualization of large models and his role in the Italian visualization community.
2. His contributions to EUROGRAPHICS, as author and IPC member, and to EG events, as co-chair of the main Eurographics conference in 2012 and as general chair of EuroVis 2015.

Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Olga Sorkine-Hornung holds the position of Associate Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. She received her PhD from the Tel Aviv University, Israel, in 2006, supervised by Daniel Cohen-Or. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the TU Berlin from 2006 to 2008 and an Assistant Professor at New York University from 2008 to 2011. She was an Assistant Professor at ETHZ from 2011 to 2015.
Her research interests are in computer graphics and geometric modeling, and in particular algorithms and user interfaces for interactive shape modeling, digital geometry processing, image / video processing and computer animation. She has made significant contributions in all of these areas with numerous ground breaking results, and she publishes many papers each year at all the top venues in our field. She has published extensively (over 20 papers at SIGGRAPH, and many more at Eurographics, SGP, SIGGRAPH Asia, ACM TOG etc.), including several very highly cited papers. Notable examples of these include her work on a Laplacian framework for interactive mesh editing, which introduced the Laplacian approach, subsequently used in many different domains, her work on as-rigid-as-possible surface modelling, interactive systems for modelling such as FiberMesh and BBW, and her work on image retargeting, color harmonization and perceptual studies to evaluate retargeting algorithms.
Olga has supervised numerous Masters and Ph.D. students, as well as several postdoctoral fellows, who have continued in their research careers, many of them excelling either in academia or in industry. Her research group at ETH is one of the best in Europe, systematically producing the highest quality research results.
Olga is extremely active in her service to the community, participating far beyond the call of duty to the numerous tasks that make our field thrive. She has chaired and participated in numerous program committees, even this early in her career, and has also served as an Associate Editor of several international journals of the field (including Computer Graphics Forum and IEEE TVCG). She has received numerous awards and distinctions for her outstanding career so far, including the ERC starting grant iModel, the ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award and the Eurographics Young Researcher Award.
Olga has contributed numerous groundbreaking scientific results and is one of the leading figures in our field today. She is one of the most prominent young researchers in computer graphics in Europe today.
Olga Sorkine-Hornung was elected as a Fellow of the Association in recognition of:
1. Her exceptional contribution to the fields of computer graphics and geometry processing, as witnessed by her numerous and highly cited publications.
2. Her contributions to the Association, notably as IPC co-chair of the Associations Eurographics 2015 conference in Zürich, of the Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP 2010), and as a member of the Executive Committee and author of numerous papers in the association’s events.