Obituary for Bodo Urban
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bodo Urban on 11 March, 2022, after a serious illness, at the age of 68. Bodo was active at the University of Rostock for more than 45 years. After his mathematics studies and doctorate, he worked as group leader for the development of graphics standards, and became professor of multimedia communication at the computer science faculty in 1998. In 1992 he took over the leadership of the Fraunhofer IGD in Rostock, which he was instrumental in building up. In all these years he had become a formative member of his university, well-known and respected, always friendly and positive. He has excellently combined academic research and industrial cooperation. He was essential in shaping the informatics faculty as it exists today and raised the profile and awareness of the computer science department in Rostock internationally.
We will remember his constructive nature, his positive charisma, his zest for life and his tireless commitment to computer science with gratitude. We will remember him as a sought-after scientist, an enthusiastic teacher, an accommodating colleague and a warm-hearted person.