Copyright by Scientific Visualization, 2018, volume 10, number 2.
In memory of Stanislav Klimenko
Stanislav Vladimirovich Klimenko, a member of our editorial board, passed away 13th of April 2018.
He was one of the oldest teachers at MIPT, was a founder and a supervisor of Department of Physical and technical informatics. He was a Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, was a professor. He was a pioneer in computer graphics and virtual reality in the USSR and then in Russia.

The first system of virtual environment was created in 2001 in Russia under his leadership. This system was the first virtual environment for PC in the world. It was unveiled on the International exhibition CeBIT’2002 and on the conference-exhibition initiated for the 10th anniversary of RFFR.
Stanislav Vladimirovich was one of the first people in Russia who started to use VR systems in research and education. He was a member of editorial boards of the following journals: Scientific Visualization, Programming, International Virtual Reality Journal; was a member of international program committees of the next conferences: GraphiCon, Cyber Worlds, GRAPP; was a head of international program committee of VEonPC conference. He always took care about the development of scientific visualization and visual analytics as interdisciplinary research. He was a co-chairman of the round table “Usage of the scientific visualization methods in applied problems”. It was a part of International Conference GraphiCon. He have been a member and an organizer of GraphiCon since the first event until this year.
Stanislav Vladimirovich spent enormous amount of time for education of the scientific young. In last years of his life he said that it was his main mission. We keep him in mind as a bright and sincere person, a reliable comrade and a first-class professional.
Editorial board of the Scientific Visualization journal.