The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting every one of us. We would like to assure you that everyone at Eurographics, as well as the associated conferences are actively monitoring developments.
Governments around the world have issued restrictions on travel, gatherings, and meetings in an effort to limit and slow the spread of the virus. There is no higher priority to us than the health, safety and well-being of our members, staff, partners, guests and the community at large. Therefore, all associated conferences and workshops are working hard on contingency efforts to ensure the best possible execution of these events.
In particular that means that many of our conferences this year will be fully online or virtual. Further, as the COVID-19 pandemic is causing delays and difficulties for many people in preparing their submissions many of the deadlines have already been or will be extended.
Below is a short overview of the next following conferences. Please also see the linked websites for updates from the organizers, directly. We will update the list as new information becomes available.
WSCG 2020 – The organizers are looking into moving the conference to a virtual arrangement.
Eurographics/EuroVis 2020 – The conference and co-located events will be completely virtual with the intention to retain as much of the original conference program as is practical. Some of the remaining submission deadlines have been extended (Please check the corresponding websites).
SMI/SPM 2020 – The conferences will be completely virtual. The program will contain the same tracks as in previous years.
EGSR 2020 – EGSR will take place completely virtual. Paper deadlines have been extended to April 13th (abstracts) and April 17th paper.
SGP 2020 – The Symposium will be organized as an online event with paper presentations and tutorials posted on the conference web-page. The organizers plan to hold a Geometry Processing workshop later this year at Utrecht University to provide the opportunity for face-to-face meetings.
HPG 2020 – High Performance Graphics 2020 will take place online.
3DOR 2020 – The organizers will enable on-line participation for authors that cannot physically make it to Graz in September. One month extension to the full paper deadline (now May 3rd).
GCPR/VMV/VCBM 2020 – The conferences will be a virtual meeting. Submission deadlines will not change.
Best wishes and stay healthy!
Last edit – April 6th 2020: Added info for GCPR/VMV/VCBM combined conference.